Upcoming Shows

Date City Venue Country
19/03/25 Leszno Zakład (bilety/tickets) Poland
21/03/25 Częstochowa Filharmonia Częstochowska Poland
29/03/25 Szczyrk closed concert Poland
05/04/25 Győr Richter Terem (jegyek/tickets) Hungary
06/04/25 Pécs E78 (jegyek/tickets) Hungary
07/04/25 Debrecen Lovarda (jegyek/tickets) Hungary
08/04/25 Szeged IH (jegyek/tickets) Hungary
09/04/25 Budapest UP (jegyek/tickets) Hungary
10/04/25 Gödöllő Royal Palace (jegyek/tickets) Hungary
12/04/25 Cieszyn COK Dom Narodowy (bilety/tickets) Poland
26/04/25 Tbilisi Niaz Diasamidze 33A / VOŁOSI (ბილეთი/bilety) Georgia
18/05/25 Podkowa Leśna Muzeum im. Anny i Jarosława Iwaszkiewiczów w Stawisku Poland
24/05/25 Kiel Kulturforum Germany
25/05/25 Gråsten Rinkenæs Koskirke Denmark
04/06/25 Allensbach KULTUR am SEE-Bühne Germany
08/06/25 Nijmegen TBA Netherlands
20/06/25 Opava Festival Slunovrat Czech Republic
21/06/25 Wien TBA Austria
09/08/25 Edinburgh Edinburgh International Festival United Kingdom
18/10/25 Catania TBA Italy
23/10/25 Liège Philharmonic Hall Belgium
24/10/25 Sprimont Centre Culturel Belgium
05/11/25 Sint-Niklaas Cultural Centre Belgium
06/11/25 Dendermonde Cultuurhuis Belgica Belgium
07/11/25 Evergem Culturale Centre Belgium
08/11/25 Ternat Cultural Centre De Ploter Belgium
09/11/25 Ypres Cultural Centre Het Perron Belgium
12/11/25 Kielce TBA Poland

“To listen to and to watch VOLOSI is like being in a spell. They are simply dazzling.”

Jun-lin Yeoh, Artistic Director of Rainforest World Music Festival 


recommended by:
“Exuberant!” The Guardian
“Dazzling!” RFWM Festival
“Transcends Boundaries” BBC
Over 900 concerts all around the world. Coming from Beskidy, Poland.
VOŁOSI was formed in the middle of Beskidy Mountains after an unexpected meeting between local root players and modern artists from Silesia. 
Curiosity led them to wild improvisation sessions. Diversity has forged their style which is everything from the beauty of haunting melodies to frenetic craziness. Here you can feel some rock, punk, jazz, film music, spiced by ambient parts, but the fact it’s all made on string instruments makes them 
truly phenomenal. 
VOŁOSI’s superpower is how they release emotions - it can be fun, exciting, sad, heartbreaking, joyful, raging, calming, disturbing, pleasing, in the end giving a liberating and extremely satisfying experience.
SELECTED CONCERTS: King’s Place London (UK), 
Amsterdam Concertgebouw (Netherlands), Sziget Festival (Hungary), 
CaixaForum (Spain), Colours of Ostrava (Czech Republic), 
Bae Cheol Soo Show (South Korea), Wiener Konzerthaus (Austria), 
St Martin in the Fields (UK),  Universo Assisi (Italy), 
Hamamatsu World Music Festival (Japan), 
Gala of Stockholm Water Prize (Sweden), Sori Festival (South Korea), Shenzhen Music Festival (China), Naxos Festival (Greece), 
Rainforest World Music Festival (Malaysia), 
The Opening Gala of Womex 2017 (Poland), TFF Rudolstadt (Germany), 
Bærum Kulturhus (Norway), VOŁOSI live on BBC in Tune (UK), 
City Theater of Brugge (Belgium), Volterra Roman Theatre (Italy)

International Booking

Stanisław Lasoń

+48 663 880 110


Krzysztof Lasoń

+48 695 362 110
